Source code for autopush.router.interface

"""Router interface"""
from typing import Any  # noqa

from autopush.types import JSONDict  # noqa

[docs]class RouterResponse(object): """Router response if routing has succeeded. If the router data needs to change as a result of this message, either the router got invalidated, or needs updating, then the router_data should be set. """
[docs] def __init__(self, status_code=200, response_body="", router_data=None, headers=None, errno=None, logged_status=None): """Create a new RouterResponse""" self.status_code = status_code self.response_body = response_body self.router_data = router_data self.headers = {} if headers is None else headers self.errno = errno self.logged_status = logged_status
[docs]class IRouter(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, conf, router_conf, **kwargs): """Initialize the Router to handle notifications and registrations with the given conf and router conf.""" raise NotImplementedError("__init__ must be implemented")
[docs] def register(self, uaid, router_data, app_id, *args, **kwargs): # type: (str, JSONDict, str, *Any, **Any) -> None """Register the uaid with router_data however is preferred prior to storing router_data for this user. :param uaid: User Agent Identifier :param router_data: Route specific configuration info :param app_id: Application identifier from URI :raises: :exc:`RouterException` if data supplied is invalid. """ raise NotImplementedError("register must be implemented")
[docs] def amend_endpoint_response(self, response, router_data): # type: (JSONDict, JSONDict) -> None """Modify an outbound Endpoint registration response to include router info. Some routers require additional info to be returned to clients. :param response: The response data to be sent to the client :param router_data: Route specific configuration info """ raise NotImplementedError( "amend_endpoint_response must be implemented")
[docs] def route_notification(self, notification, uaid_data): """Route a notification :param notification: A :class:`~autopush.endpoint.Notificaiton` instance. :param uaid_data: A dict of the full user item from the db record. :returns: A response object upon successful routing. :rtype: :class:`RouterResponse` :raises: :exc:`RouterException` if routing fails. This function runs in the main reactor, if a yield is needed then a deferred must be returned for the callback chain. """ raise NotImplementedError("route_notification must be implemented")