Source code for

"""Health Check HTTP Handler"""

import cyclone.web
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread

from autopush import __version__
from autopush.db import table_exists
from autopush.exceptions import MissingTableException
from autopush.web.base import BaseWebHandler

[docs]class HealthHandler(BaseWebHandler): """HTTP Health Handler"""
[docs] def authenticate_peer_cert(self): """Skip authentication checks""" pass
[docs] @cyclone.web.asynchronous def get(self): """HTTP Get Returns basic information about the version and how many clients are connected in a JSON object. """ self._healthy = True self._health_checks = dict( version=__version__, clients=len(getattr(self.application, 'clients', ())) ) dl = DeferredList([ self._check_table(self.db.router.table), self._check_table(self.db.message.table, "storage"), ]) dl.addBoth(self._finish_response)
[docs] def _check_table(self, table, name_over=None): """Checks the tables known about in DynamoDB""" d = deferToThread(table_exists, table.table_name, boto_resource=self.db.resource) d.addCallback(self._check_success, name_over or table.table_name) d.addErrback(self._check_error, name_over or table.table_name) return d
[docs] def _check_success(self, exists, name): """Verifies a Table exists""" if not exists: raise MissingTableException("Nonexistent table") self._health_checks[name] = {"status": "OK"}
[docs] def _check_error(self, failure, name): """Returns an error, and why""" self._healthy = False fmt = str(failure.value) or "Heath Exception" self.log.failure(format=fmt, failure=failure, name=name) cause = self._health_checks[name] = {"status": "NOT OK"} if failure.check(MissingTableException): cause["error"] = str(failure.value) elif (failure.check(ClientError) and failure.value.response["Error"]["Code"] == "InternalServerError"): # pragma nocover cause["error"] = "Server error" else: cause["error"] = "Internal error" # pragma nocover
[docs] def _finish_response(self, results): """Returns whether the check succeeded or not""" if self._healthy: self._health_checks["status"] = "OK" else: self.set_status(503, reason=None) self._health_checks["status"] = "NOT OK" self.write(self._health_checks) self.finish()
[docs]class StatusHandler(BaseWebHandler): """HTTP Status Handler"""
[docs] def authenticate_peer_cert(self): """skip authentication checks""" pass
[docs] def get(self): """HTTP Get Returns that this node is alive, and the version. """ self.write({ "status": "OK", "version": __version__ })
class MemUsageHandler(BaseWebHandler): """Spits out some memory stats. Should be ran on its own port, not accessible externally. """ def authenticate_peer_cert(self): """skip authentication checks""" pass # pragma: nocover def get(self): """HTTP Get Returns the memory stats. """ from autopush.memusage import memusage def enabled(name): return self.get_argument(name, u'true').lower() != u'false' d = deferToThread( memusage, do_dump_rpy_heap=enabled('dump_rpy_heap'), do_objgraph=enabled('objgraph') ) d.addCallback(self.write) d.addCallback(self.finish) d.addErrback(self._response_err) return d