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Note: This document is obsolete. Please refer to Autopush Documentation on GitHub.


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Running AutopushΒΆ


To run Autopush, you will need to run at least one connection node, one endpoint node, and a local DynamoDB server or AWS DynamoDB. The prior section on Autopush architecture documented these components and their relation to each other.

The recommended way to run the latest development or tagged Autopush release is to use docker. Autopush has docker images built automatically for every tagged release and when code is merged to master.

If you want to run the latest Autopush code from source then you should follow the Developing Autopush instructions.

The instructions below assume that you want to run Autopush with a local DynamoDB server for testing or local verification. The docker containers can be run on separate hosts as well, or with AWS DynamoDB instead.


These instructions will yield a locally running Autopush setup with the connection node listening on localhost port 8080, with the endpoint node listening on localhost port 8082. Make sure these ports are available on localhost before running, or change the configuration to have the Autopush daemons use other ports.

  1. Install docker

  2. Install docker-compose

  3. Create a directory for your docker and Autopush configuration:

    $ mkdir autopush-config
    $ cd autopush-config
  4. Fetch the latest docker-compose.yml file:

    $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla-services/autopush/master/docker-compose.yml


The docker images used take approximately 1.5 GB of disk-space, make sure you have appropriate free-space before proceeding.

Generate a Crypto-KeyΒΆ

As the Cryptography section notes, you will need a CRYPTO_KEY to run both of the Autopush daemons. To generate one with the docker image:

$ docker run -t -i bbangert/autopush autokey

Store the key for later use (including any trailing =).

Start AutopushΒΆ

Once you’ve completed the setup and have a crypto key, you can run a local Autopush with a single command:

$ CRYPTO_KEY="hkclU1V37Dnp-0DMF9HLe_40Nnr8kDTYVbo2yxuylzk=" docker-compose up

docker-compose will start up three containers, two for each Autopush daemon, and a third for DynamoDB.

By default, the following services will be exposed:

ws://localhost:8080/ - websocket server

http://localhost:8082/ - HTTP Endpoint Server (See the HTTP API)

You could set the CRYPTO_KEY as an environment variable if you are using Docker. If you are running these programs β€œstand-alone” or outside of docker-compose, you may setup a more thorough configuration using config files as documented below.


The load-tester can be run against it or you can run Firefox with the local Autopush per the Firefox Testing docs.


Autopush can be configured in three ways; by option flags, by environment variables, and by configuration files. Autopush uses three configuration files. These files use standard ini formatting similar to the following:

# A comment description

Options can either have values or act as boolean flags. If the option is a flag it is either True if enabled, or False if disabled. The configuration files are usually richly commented, and you’re encouraged to read them to learn how to set up your installation of autopush.

Note: any line that does not begin with a # or ; is considered an option line. if an unexpected option is present in a configuration file, the application will fail to start.

Configuration files can be located in:

  • in the /etc/ directory
  • in the configs subdirectory
  • in the $HOME or current directory (prefixed by a period β€˜.’)

The three configuration files are:

  • autopush_connection.ini - contains options for use by the websocket handler. This file’s path can be specified by the --config-connection option.
  • autopush_shared.ini - contains options shared between the connection and endpoint handler. This file’s path can be specified by the --config-shared option.
  • autopush_endpoint.ini - contains options for the HTTP handlers This file’s path can be specified by the --config-endpoint option.

Sample ConfigurationsΒΆ

Three sample configurations, a base config, and a config for each Autopush daemon can be found at https://github.com/mozilla-services/autopush/tree/master/config

These can be downloaded and modified as desired.

Config Files with DockerΒΆ

To use a configuration file with docker, ensure the config files are accessible to the user running docker-compose. Then you will need to update the docker-compose.yml to use the config files and make them available to the appropriate docker containers.

Mounting a config file to be available in a docker container is fairly simple, for instance, to mount a local file autopush_connection.ini into a container as /etc/autopush_connection.ini, update the autopush section of the docker-compose.yml to be:

  - ./boto-compose.cfg:/etc/boto.cfg:ro
  - ./autopush_connection.ini:/etc/autopush_connection.ini

Autopush automatically searches for a configuration file at this location so nothing else is needed.

Note: The docker-compose.yml file provides a number of overrides as environment variables, such as CRYPTO_KEY. If these values are not defined, they are submitted as β€œβ€, which will prevent values from being read from the config files. In the case of CRYPTO_KEY, a new, random key is automatically generated, which will result in existing endpoints no longer being valid. It is recommended that for docker based images, that you *always* supply a CRYPTO_KEY as part of the run command.

Notes on GCM/FCM supportΒΆ

Note: GCM is no longer supported by Google. Some legacy users can still use GCM, but it is strongly recommended that applications use FCM.

Autopush is capable of routing messages over Firebase Cloud Messaging for android devices. You will need to set up a valid FCM account. Once you have an account open the Google Developer Console:

  • create a new project. Record the Project Number as β€œSENDER_ID”. You will need this value for your android application.

  • in the .autopush_endpoint server config file:

    • add fcm_enabled to enable FCM routing.

    • add fcm_creds. This is a json block with the following format:

      {β€œapp id”: {β€œprojectid”: β€œproject id name”, β€œauth”: β€œpath to Private Key File”}, …}


app_id: the URL identifier to be used when registering endpoints. (e.g. if β€œreference_test” is chosen here, registration requests should go to https://updates.push.services.mozilla.com/v1/fcm/reference_test/registration

project id name: the name of the Project ID as specified on the https://console.firebase.google.com/ Project Settings > General page.

path to Private Key File: path to the Private Key file provided by the Settings > Service accounts > Firebase Admin SDK page. NOTE: This is *NOT* the β€œgoogle-services.json” config file.

Additional notes on using the FCM bridge are available on the wiki.