Source code for autopush.config

"""Autopush Config Object and Setup"""
import json
import socket
from argparse import Namespace  # noqa
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import (  # noqa

from attr import (
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, MultiFernet
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import constant_time

import autopush.db as db
from autopush.exceptions import (
from autopush.ssl import AutopushSSLContextFactory
from autopush.types import JSONDict  # noqa
from autopush.utils import (
from autopush.crypto_key import CryptoKey, CryptoKeyException

def _init_crypto_key(ck):
    # type: (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> List[str]
    """Provide a default or ensure the provided's a list"""
    # if CRYPTO_KEY is not set by docker, it may pass an empty string,
    # which is converted into an Array element and prevents the config
    # file value from being read
    if ck is None or ck == ['']:
        return [Fernet.generate_key()]
    return ck if isinstance(ck, list) else [ck]

def _nested(cls, **kwargs):
    # type: (Type, **Any) -> Any
    """Defines an attr cls nested within another attr.

    This attribute constructs the nested attr from a dict argument
    (representing its kwargs) unless already an instance of cls.

    def converter(arg):
        return arg if isinstance(arg, cls) else cls(**arg)
    return attrib(converter=converter, **kwargs)

[docs]@attrs class SSLConfig(object): """AutopushSSLContextFactory configuration""" key = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] cert = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] dh_param = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str]
[docs] def cf(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Optional[AutopushSSLContextFactory] """Build our AutopushSSLContextFactory (if configured)""" if not self.key: return None return AutopushSSLContextFactory( self.key, self.cert, dh_file=self.dh_param, **kwargs )
[docs]@attrs class DDBTableConfig(object): """A DynamoDB Table's configuration""" tablename = attrib() # type: str read_throughput = attrib(default=5) # type: int write_throughput = attrib(default=5) # type: int
[docs]@attrs class AutopushConfig(object): """Main Autopush Settings Object""" debug = attrib(default=False) # type: bool fernet = attrib(init=False) # type: MultiFernet _crypto_key = attrib( converter=_init_crypto_key, default=None) # type: List[str] bear_hash_key = attrib(default=Factory(list)) # type: List[str] human_logs = attrib(default=True) # type: bool hostname = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] port = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] _resolve_hostname = attrib(default=False) # type: bool router_scheme = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] router_hostname = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] router_port = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] endpoint_scheme = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] endpoint_hostname = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] endpoint_port = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] proxy_protocol_port = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] memusage_port = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] statsd_host = attrib(default="localhost") # type: str statsd_port = attrib(default=8125) # type: int megaphone_api_url = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] megaphone_api_token = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] megaphone_poll_interval = attrib(default=30) # type: int datadog_api_key = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] datadog_app_key = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] datadog_flush_interval = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] router_table = _nested( DDBTableConfig, default=dict(tablename="router") ) # type: DDBTableConfig message_table = _nested( DDBTableConfig, default=dict(tablename="message") ) # type: DDBTableConfig preflight_uaid = attrib( default="deadbeef00000000deadbeef00000000") # type: str ssl = _nested(SSLConfig, default=Factory(SSLConfig)) # type: SSLConfig router_ssl = _nested( SSLConfig, default=Factory(SSLConfig)) # type: SSLConfig client_certs = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] router_url = attrib(init=False) # type: str endpoint_url = attrib(init=False) # type: str ws_url = attrib(init=False) # type: str router_conf = attrib(default=Factory(dict)) # type: JSONDict # twisted Agent's connectTimeout connect_timeout = attrib(default=0.5) # type: float max_data = attrib(default=4096) # type: int env = attrib(default='development') # type: str ami_id = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] cors = attrib(default=False) # type: bool hello_timeout = attrib(default=0) # type: int # Force timeout in idle seconds msg_limit = attrib(default=100) # type: int auto_ping_interval = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] auto_ping_timeout = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] max_connections = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] close_handshake_timeout = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] # Generate messages per legacy rules, only used for testing to # generate legacy data. _notification_legacy = attrib(default=False) # type: bool # Use the cryptography library use_cryptography = attrib(default=False) # type: bool # Strict-Transport-Security max age (Default 1 year in secs) sts_max_age = attrib(default=31536000) # type: int # Don't cache ssl.wrap_socket's SSLContexts no_sslcontext_cache = attrib(default=False) # type: bool # DynamoDB endpoint override aws_ddb_endpoint = attrib(default=None) # type: str allow_table_rotation = attrib(default=True) # type: bool def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Initialize the Settings object""" # Setup hosts/ports/urls if not self.hostname: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() if self._resolve_hostname: self.hostname = resolve_ip(self.hostname) if not self.endpoint_hostname: self.endpoint_hostname = self.hostname if not self.router_hostname: self.router_hostname = self.hostname self.router_url = canonical_url( self.router_scheme or 'http', self.router_hostname, self.router_port ) self.endpoint_url = canonical_url( self.endpoint_scheme or 'http', self.endpoint_hostname, self.endpoint_port ) # not accurate under autoendpoint (like router_url) self.ws_url = "{}://{}:{}/".format( 'wss' if self.ssl.key else 'ws', self.hostname, self.port ) self.fernet = MultiFernet([Fernet(key) for key in self._crypto_key]) @property def enable_tls_auth(self): """Whether TLS authentication w/ client certs is enabled""" return self.client_certs is not None
[docs] @classmethod def from_argparse(cls, ns, **kwargs): # type: (Namespace, **Any) -> AutopushConfig """Create an instance from argparse/additional kwargs""" router_conf = {} if ns.key_hash: db.key_hash = ns.key_hash if ns.apns_creds: # if you have the critical elements for each external # router, create it try: router_conf["apns"] = json.loads(ns.apns_creds) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig( "Invalid JSON specified for APNS config options") if ns.senderid_list: # Create a common gcmclient try: sender_ids = json.loads(ns.senderid_list) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig("Invalid JSON specified for senderid_list") try: # This is an init check to verify that things are # configured correctly. Otherwise errors may creep in # later that go unaccounted. sender_ids[sender_ids.keys()[0]] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig("No GCM SenderIDs specified or found.") router_conf["gcm"] = {"ttl": ns.gcm_ttl, "dryrun": ns.gcm_dryrun, "max_data": ns.max_data, "collapsekey": ns.gcm_collapsekey, "senderIDs": sender_ids, "endpoint": ns.gcm_endpoint} client_certs = None # endpoint only if getattr(ns, 'client_certs', None): try: client_certs_arg = json.loads(ns.client_certs) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig("Invalid JSON specified for client_certs") if client_certs_arg: if not ns.ssl_key: raise InvalidConfig("client_certs specified without SSL " "enabled (no ssl_key specified)") client_certs = {} for name, sigs in client_certs_arg.iteritems(): if not isinstance(sigs, list): raise InvalidConfig( "Invalid JSON specified for client_certs") for sig in sigs: sig = sig.upper() if (not name or not CLIENT_SHA256_RE.match(sig) or sig in client_certs): raise InvalidConfig( "Invalid client_certs argument") client_certs[sig] = name if ns.fcm_creds: try: router_conf["fcm"] = { "version": ns.fcm_version, "ttl": ns.fcm_ttl, "dryrun": ns.fcm_dryrun, "max_data": ns.max_data, "collapsekey": ns.fcm_collapsekey, "creds": json.loads(ns.fcm_creds) } if not router_conf["fcm"]["creds"]: raise InvalidConfig( "Empty credentials for FCM config options" ) for creds in router_conf["fcm"]["creds"].values(): if "auth" not in creds: raise InvalidConfig( "Missing auth for FCM config options" ) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig( "Invalid JSON specified for FCM config options" ) if ns.adm_creds: # Create a common admclient try: router_conf["adm"] = json.loads(ns.adm_creds) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfig( "Invalid JSON specified for ADM config options") ami_id = None # Not a fan of double negatives, but this makes more # understandable args if not ns.no_aws: ami_id = get_amid() or "Unknown" allow_table_rotation = not ns.no_table_rotation return cls( crypto_key=ns.crypto_key, datadog_api_key=ns.datadog_api_key, datadog_app_key=ns.datadog_app_key, datadog_flush_interval=ns.datadog_flush_interval, hostname=ns.hostname, statsd_host=ns.statsd_host, statsd_port=ns.statsd_port, router_conf=router_conf, resolve_hostname=ns.resolve_hostname, ami_id=ami_id, client_certs=client_certs, msg_limit=ns.msg_limit, connect_timeout=ns.connection_timeout, memusage_port=ns.memusage_port, use_cryptography=ns.use_cryptography, no_sslcontext_cache=ns._no_sslcontext_cache, router_table=dict( tablename=ns.router_tablename, read_throughput=ns.router_read_throughput, write_throughput=ns.router_write_throughput ), message_table=dict( tablename=ns.message_tablename, read_throughput=ns.message_read_throughput, write_throughput=ns.message_write_throughput ), ssl=dict( key=ns.ssl_key, cert=ns.ssl_cert, dh_param=ns.ssl_dh_param ), sts_max_age=ns.sts_max_age, allow_table_rotation=allow_table_rotation, **kwargs )
[docs] def make_endpoint(self, uaid, chid, key=None): """Create an v1 or v2 WebPush endpoint from the identifiers. Both endpoints use bytes instead of hex to reduce ID length. v1 is the uaid + chid v2 is the uaid + chid + sha256(key).bytes :param uaid: User Agent Identifier :param chid: Channel or Subscription ID :param key: Optional Base64 URL-encoded application server key :returns: Push endpoint """ root = self.endpoint_url + '/wpush/' base = (uaid.replace('-', '').decode("hex") + chid.replace('-', '').decode("hex")) if key is None: return root + 'v1/' + self.fernet.encrypt(base).strip('=') raw_key = base64url_decode(key.encode('utf8')) ep = self.fernet.encrypt(base + sha256(raw_key).digest()).strip('=') return root + 'v2/' + ep
[docs] def parse_endpoint(self, metrics, token, version="v1", ckey_header=None, auth_header=None): """Parse an endpoint into component elements of UAID, CHID and optional key hash if v2 :param token: The obscured subscription data. :param version: This is the API version of the token. :param ckey_header: the Crypto-Key header bearing the public key (from Crypto-Key: p256ecdsa=) :param auth_header: The Authorization header bearing the VAPID info :raises ValueError: In the case of a malformed endpoint. :returns: a dict containing (uaid=UAID, chid=CHID, public_key=KEY) """ token = self.fernet.decrypt(repad(token).encode('utf8')) public_key = None if ckey_header: try: crypto_key = CryptoKey(ckey_header) except CryptoKeyException: raise InvalidTokenException("Invalid key data") public_key = crypto_key.get_label('p256ecdsa') if auth_header: vapid_auth = parse_auth_header(auth_header) if not vapid_auth: raise VapidAuthException("Invalid Auth token") metrics.increment("notification.auth", tags="vapid:{version},scheme:{scheme}".format( **vapid_auth ).split(",")) # pull the public key from the VAPID auth header if needed try: if vapid_auth['version'] != 1: public_key = vapid_auth['k'] except KeyError: raise VapidAuthException("Missing Public Key") if version == 'v1' and len(token) != 32: raise InvalidTokenException("Corrupted push token") if version == 'v2': if not auth_header: raise VapidAuthException("Missing Authorization Header") if len(token) != 64: raise InvalidTokenException("Corrupted push token") if not public_key: raise VapidAuthException("Invalid key data") try: decoded_key = base64url_decode(public_key) except TypeError: raise VapidAuthException("Invalid key data") if not constant_time.bytes_eq(sha256(decoded_key).digest(), token[32:]): raise VapidAuthException("Key mismatch") return dict(uaid=token[:16].encode('hex'), chid=token[16:32].encode('hex'), version=version, public_key=public_key)