Source code for autopush.metrics

"""Metrics interface and implementations"""
from typing import (  # noqa

from twisted.internet import reactor
from txstatsd.client import StatsDClientProtocol, TwistedStatsDClient
from txstatsd.metrics.metrics import Metrics

import datadog
from datadog import ThreadStats

from autopush import logging

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocover
    from autopush.config import AutopushConfig  # noqa

[docs]class IMetrics(object): """Metrics interface Each method except :meth:`__init__` and :meth:`start` must be implemented. Additional ``kwargs`` may be recorded as additional metric tags for metric systems that support it, otherwise they should be ignored. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Setup the metrics"""
[docs] def start(self): """Start any connection needed for metric transmission"""
[docs] def increment(self, name, count=1, **kwargs): """Increment a counter for a metric name""" raise NotImplementedError("No increment implemented")
[docs] def gauge(self, name, count, **kwargs): """Record a gauge for a metric name""" raise NotImplementedError("No gauge implemented")
[docs] def timing(self, name, duration, **kwargs): """Record a timing in ms for a metric name""" raise NotImplementedError("No timing implemented")
[docs]class SinkMetrics(IMetrics): """Exists to ignore metrics when metrics are not active"""
[docs] def increment(self, name, count=1, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def gauge(self, name, count, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def timing(self, name, duration, **kwargs): pass
class TwistedMetrics(object): """Twisted implementation of statsd output""" def __init__(self, statsd_host="localhost", statsd_port=8125): self.client = TwistedStatsDClient.create(statsd_host, statsd_port) self._metric = Metrics(connection=self.client, namespace="autopush") def start(self): protocol = StatsDClientProtocol(self.client) reactor.listenUDP(0, protocol) def increment(self, name, count=1, **kwargs): self._metric.increment(name, count, **kwargs) def gauge(self, name, count, **kwargs): self._metric.gauge(name, count, **kwargs) def timing(self, name, duration, **kwargs): self._metric.timing(name, duration, **kwargs) def make_tags(base=None, **kwargs): # type: (Sequence[str], **Any) -> Sequence[str] """Generate a list of tag values""" tags = list(base or []) tags.extend('{}:{}'.format(key, val) for key, val in kwargs.iteritems()) return tags class DatadogMetrics(object): """DataDog Metric backend""" def __init__(self, api_key, app_key, hostname, flush_interval=10, namespace="autopush"): datadog.initialize(api_key=api_key, app_key=app_key, host_name=hostname) self._client = ThreadStats() self._flush_interval = flush_interval self._host = hostname self._namespace = namespace def _prefix_name(self, name): return "%s.%s" % (self._namespace, name) def start(self): self._client.start(flush_interval=self._flush_interval, roll_up_interval=self._flush_interval) def increment(self, name, count=1, **kwargs): self._client.increment(self._prefix_name(name), count, host=self._host, **kwargs) def gauge(self, name, count, **kwargs): self._client.gauge(self._prefix_name(name), count, host=self._host, **kwargs) def timing(self, name, duration, **kwargs): self._client.timing(self._prefix_name(name), value=duration, host=self._host, **kwargs) def from_config(conf): # type: (AutopushConfig) -> IMetrics """Create an IMetrics from the given config""" if conf.datadog_api_key: return DatadogMetrics( hostname=logging.instance_id_or_hostname if conf.ami_id else conf.hostname, api_key=conf.datadog_api_key, app_key=conf.datadog_app_key, flush_interval=conf.datadog_flush_interval, ) elif conf.statsd_host: return TwistedMetrics(conf.statsd_host, conf.statsd_port) else: return SinkMetrics() def periodic_reporter(metrics, prefix=''): # type: (IMetrics, Optional[str]) -> None """Emit metrics on twisted's thread pool. Only meant to be called via a LoopingCall (TimerService). """ # unfortunately stats only available via the private '_team' stats = reactor.getThreadPool()._team.statistics() for attr in ('idleWorkerCount', 'busyWorkerCount', 'backloggedWorkCount'): name = '{}{}twisted.threadpool.{}'.format( prefix, '.' if prefix else '', attr ) metrics.gauge(name, getattr(stats, attr))