Source code for autopush.router.apnsrouter

"""APNS Router"""
import socket
import uuid
from typing import Any  # noqa

from hyper.http20.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTP20Error
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
from twisted.logger import Logger

from autopush.exceptions import RouterException
from autopush.metrics import make_tags
from autopush.router.apns2 import (
from autopush.router.interface import RouterResponse
from autopush.types import JSONDict  # noqa

[docs]class APNSRouter(object): """APNS Router Implementation""" log = Logger() apns = None
[docs] def _connect(self, rel_channel, load_connections=True): """Connect to APNS :param rel_channel: Release channel name (e.g. Firefox. FirefoxBeta,..) :type rel_channel: str :param load_connections: (used for testing) :type load_connections: bool :returns: APNs to be stored under the proper release channel name. :rtype: apns.APNs """ default_topic = "" + rel_channel cert_info = self.router_conf[rel_channel] return APNSClient( cert_file=cert_info.get("cert"), key_file=cert_info.get("key"), use_sandbox=cert_info.get("sandbox", False), max_connections=cert_info.get("max_connections", APNS_MAX_CONNECTIONS), topic=cert_info.get("topic", default_topic), logger=self.log, metrics=self.metrics, load_connections=load_connections, max_retry=cert_info.get('max_retry', 2) )
[docs] def __init__(self, conf, router_conf, metrics, load_connections=True): """Create a new APNS router and connect to APNS :param conf: Configuration settings :type conf: autopush.config.AutopushConfig :param router_conf: Router specific configuration :type router_conf: dict :param load_connections: (used for testing) :type load_connections: bool """ self.conf = conf self.router_conf = router_conf self.metrics = metrics self._base_tags = ["platform:apns"] self.apns = dict() for rel_channel in router_conf: self.apns[rel_channel] = self._connect(rel_channel, load_connections) self.log.debug("Starting APNS router...")
[docs] def register(self, uaid, router_data, app_id, *args, **kwargs): # type: (str, JSONDict, str, *Any, **Any) -> None """Register an endpoint for APNS, on the `app_id` release channel. This will validate that an APNs instance token is in the `router_data`, :param uaid: User Agent Identifier :param router_data: Dict containing router specific configuration info :param app_id: The release channel identifier for cert info lookup """ if app_id not in self.apns: raise RouterException("Unknown release channel specified", status_code=400, response_body="Unknown release channel") if not router_data.get("token"): raise RouterException("No token registered", status_code=400, response_body="No token registered") router_data["rel_channel"] = app_id
[docs] def amend_endpoint_response(self, response, router_data): # type: (JSONDict, JSONDict) -> None """Stubbed out for this router"""
[docs] def route_notification(self, notification, uaid_data): """Start the APNS notification routing, returns a deferred :param notification: Notification data to send :type notification: autopush.endpoint.Notification :param uaid_data: User Agent specific data :type uaid_data: dict """ router_data = uaid_data["router_data"] # Kick the entire notification routing off to a thread return deferToThread(self._route, notification, router_data)
[docs] def _route(self, notification, router_data): """Blocking APNS call to route the notification :param notification: Notification data to send :type notification: dict :param router_data: Pre-initialized data for this connection :type router_data: dict """ router_token = router_data["token"] rel_channel = router_data["rel_channel"] apns_client = self.apns[rel_channel] # chid MUST MATCH THE CHANNELID GENERATED BY THE REGISTRATION SERVICE # Currently this value is in hex form. payload = { "chid": notification.channel_id.hex, "ver": notification.version, } if payload["con"] = notification.headers.get( "content-encoding", notification.headers.get("encoding")) if payload["con"] != "aes128gcm": if "encryption" in notification.headers: payload["enc"] = notification.headers["encryption"] if "crypto_key" in notification.headers: payload["cryptokey"] = notification.headers["crypto_key"] elif "encryption_key" in notification.headers: payload["enckey"] = notification.headers["encryption_key"] payload["body"] = payload['aps'] = router_data.get('aps', { "mutable-content": 1, "alert": { "loc-key": "SentTab.NoTabArrivingNotification.body", "title-loc-key": "SentTab.NoTabArrivingNotification.title", } }) apns_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).lower() # APNs may force close a connection on us without warning. # if that happens, retry the message. try: apns_client.send(router_token=router_token, payload=payload, apns_id=apns_id) except Exception as e: # We sometimes see strange errors around sending push notifications # to APNS. We get reports that after a new deployment things work, # but then after a week or so, messages across the APNS bridge # start to fail. The connections appear to be working correctly, # so we don't think that this is a problem related to how we're # connecting. if isinstance(e, ConnectionError): reason = "connection_error" elif isinstance(e, (HTTP20Error, socket.error)): reason = "http2_error" else: reason = e.extra.get("reason", "unknown") if isinstance(e, RouterException) and e.status_code in [404, 410]: raise RouterException( str(e), status_code=e.status_code, errno=106, response_body="User is no longer registered", log_exception=False ) self.metrics.increment("notification.bridge.error", tags=make_tags(self._base_tags, application=rel_channel, reason=reason, error=502, errno=0, )) raise RouterException( str(e), status_code=502, response_body="APNS returned an error processing request", ) location = "%s/m/%s" % (self.conf.endpoint_url, notification.version) self.metrics.increment("notification.bridge.sent", tags=make_tags(self._base_tags, application=rel_channel)) self.metrics.increment( "updates.client.bridge.apns.{}.sent".format( router_data["rel_channel"] ), tags=self._base_tags ) self.metrics.increment("notification.message_data", notification.data_length, tags=make_tags(self._base_tags, destination='Direct')) return RouterResponse(status_code=201, response_body="", headers={"TTL": notification.ttl, "Location": location}, logged_status=200)