Source code for autopush.utils

import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import re
import socket
import time
import uuid

import requests
from attr import (
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet  # noqa
from typing import (  # noqa
from ua_parser import user_agent_parser
import ecdsa
from jose import jwt

from autopush.exceptions import (InvalidTokenException, VapidAuthException)
from autopush.jwt import repad, VerifyJWT
from autopush.web.base import AUTH_SCHEMES

# Remove trailing padding characters from complex header items like
# Crypto-Key and Encryption
STRIP_PADDING = re.compile('=+(?=[,;]|$)')

# List of valid user-agent attributes to keep, anything not in this list is
# considered 'Other'. We log the user-agent on connect always to retain the
# full string, but for DD more tags are expensive so we limit to these.
VALID_UA_BROWSER = ["Chrome", "Firefox", "Safari", "Opera"]
# See test_os.yaml in for full list
# We special case Windows since it has 8 values, and we only care that its
# Windows
VALID_UA_OS = ["Firefox OS", "Linux", "Mac OS X"]

default_ports = {
    "ws": 80,
    "http": 80,
    "wss": 443,
    "https": 443,

CLIENT_SHA256_RE = re.compile("""\
""", re.VERBOSE)

# Time multipliers for conversion from seconds to ms/ns
MS_MULT = pow(10, 3)
NS_MULT = pow(10, 6)

def normalize_id(ident):
    # type: (Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> str
    if isinstance(ident, uuid.UUID):
        return str(ident)
        return str(uuid.UUID(ident))
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("Invalid UUID")

[docs]def canonical_url(scheme, hostname, port=None): # type: (str, str, Optional[int]) -> str """Return a canonical URL given a scheme/hostname and optional port""" if port is None or port == default_ports.get(scheme): return "%s://%s" % (scheme, hostname) return "%s://%s:%s" % (scheme, hostname, port)
[docs]def resolve_ip(hostname): # type: (str) -> str """Resolve a hostname to its IP if possible""" interfaces = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 0, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) if len(interfaces) == 0: return hostname addr = interfaces[0][-1] return addr[0]
[docs]def validate_uaid(uaid): # type: (str) -> Tuple[bool, str] """Validates a UAID a tuple indicating if its valid and the original uaid, or a new uaid if its invalid""" if uaid: try: if uuid.UUID(uaid).hex == uaid: return True, uaid except ValueError: pass return False, uuid.uuid4().hex
[docs]def generate_hash(key, payload): # type: (str, str) -> str """Generate a HMAC for the uaid using the secret :returns: HMAC hash and the nonce used as a tuple (nonce, hash). """ h =, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256) return h.hexdigest()
def base64url_encode(string): # type: (str) -> str """Encodes an unpadded Base64 URL-encoded string per RFC 7515.""" return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(string).strip('=') def base64url_decode(string): # type: (str) -> str """Decodes a Base64 URL-encoded string per RFC 7515. RFC 7515 (used for Encrypted Content-Encoding and JWT) requires unpadded encoded strings, but Python's ``urlsafe_b64decode`` only accepts padded strings. """ return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(repad(string)) def get_amid(): # type: () -> Optional[str] """Fetch the AMI instance ID """ try: resp = requests.get( "", timeout=1) return resp.content except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError): return None def get_ec2_instance_id(): # type: () -> Optional[str] """Fetch the EC2 instance-id """ try: resp = requests.get( "", timeout=1) return resp.content except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError): return None def decipher_public_key(key_data): # type: (str) -> str """A public key may come in several flavors. Attempt to extract the valid key bits from keys doing minimal validation checks. This is mostly a result of libs like WebCrypto prefixing data to "raw" keys, and the ecdsa library not really providing helpful errors. :param key_data: the raw-ish key we're going to try and process :returns: the raw key data. :raises: ValueError for unknown or poorly formatted keys. """ # key data is actually a raw coordinate pair key_data = base64url_decode(key_data) key_len = len(key_data) if key_len == 65 and key_data[0] == '\x04': return key_data # Key format is "raw" if key_len == 64: return '\04' + key_data # key format is "spki" if key_len == 88 and key_data[:3] == '0V0': return key_data[-64:] raise ValueError("Unknown public key format specified") def extract_jwt(token, crypto_key, is_trusted=False, use_crypto=False): # type: (str, str, bool, bool) -> Dict[str, str] """Extract the claims from the validated JWT. """ # first split and convert the jwt. if not token or not crypto_key: return {} if is_trusted: return VerifyJWT.extract_assertion(token) if use_crypto: return VerifyJWT.validate_and_extract_assertion( token, decipher_public_key(crypto_key.encode('utf8'))) else: key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string( base64.urlsafe_b64decode( repad(crypto_key.encode('utf8')))[-64:], curve=ecdsa.NIST256p ) return jwt.decode(token, dict(keys=[key]), options=dict( verify_aud=False, verify_sub=False, verify_exp=False, )) def parse_user_agent(agent_string): # type: (str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, Any]] """Extracts user-agent data from a UA string Parses the user-agent into two forms. A limited one suitable for Datadog logging with limited tags, and a full string suitable for complete logging. :returns: A tuple of dicts, the first being the Datadog limited and the second being the complete info. """ parsed = user_agent_parser.Parse(agent_string) dd_info = {} raw_info = {} # Parse out the OS family ua_os = parsed["os"] ua_os_family = raw_info["ua_os_family"] = ua_os["family"] if ua_os_family.startswith("Windows"): # Windows has a bunch of additional version bits in the family string dd_info["ua_os_family"] = "Windows" elif ua_os_family in VALID_UA_OS: dd_info["ua_os_family"] = ua_os_family elif "Linux" in agent_string: # Incredibly annoying, but the user agent parser returns things like # 'Mandriva' and 'Unbuntu' sometimes instead of just saying Linux dd_info["ua_os_family"] = "Linux" else: dd_info["ua_os_family"] = "Other" # Parse out the full version for raw info, too many combos for DataDog bits = ["major", "minor", "patch", "patch_minor"] os_bits = [ua_os[x] for x in bits] raw_info["ua_os_ver"] = ".".join(filter(None, os_bits)) # Parse out the browser family ua_browser = parsed["user_agent"] ua_browser_family = raw_info["ua_browser_family"] = ua_browser["family"] if ua_browser_family in VALID_UA_BROWSER: dd_info["ua_browser_family"] = ua_browser_family else: dd_info["ua_browser_family"] = "Other" # Parse out the full browser version bits = ["major", "minor", "patch"] browser_bits = [ua_browser[x] for x in bits] raw_info["ua_browser_ver"] = ".".join(filter(None, browser_bits)) return dd_info, raw_info @attrs(slots=True) class WebPushNotification(object): """WebPush Notification This object centralizes all logic involving the addressing of a single WebPush Notification. message_id serves a complex purpose. It's returned as the Location header value so that an application server may delete the message. It's used as part of the non-versioned sort-key. Due to this, its an encrypted value that contains the necessary information to derive the location of this precise message in the appropriate message table. """ uaid = attrib() # type: uuid.UUID channel_id = attrib() # type: uuid.UUID ttl = attrib() # type: int data = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] headers = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] timestamp = attrib(default=Factory(lambda: int(time.time()))) # type: int sortkey_timestamp = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[int] topic = attrib(default=None) # type: Optional[str] source = attrib(default="Direct") # type: Optional[str] message_id = attrib(default=None) # type: str # Not an alias for message_id, for backwards compat and cases where an old # message with any update_id should be removed. update_id = attrib(default=None) # type: str # Whether this notification should follow legacy non-topic rules legacy = attrib(default=False) # type: bool def generate_message_id(self, fernet): # type: (Fernet) -> str """Generate a message-id suitable for accessing the message For topic messages, a sort_key version of 01 is used, and the topic is included for reference: Encrypted('01' : uaid.hex : channel_id.hex : topic) For non-topic messages, a sort_key version of 02 is used: Encrypted('02' : uaid.hex : channel_id.hex : timestamp) For legacy non-topic messages, no sort_key version was used and the message-id was: Encrypted('m' : uaid.hex : channel_id.hex) This is a blocking call. """ if self.topic: msg_key = ":".join(["01", self.uaid.hex, self.channel_id.hex, self.topic]) elif self.legacy: msg_key = ":".join(["m", self.uaid.hex, self.channel_id.hex]) else: self.sortkey_timestamp = self.sortkey_timestamp or ns_time() msg_key = ":".join(["02", self.uaid.hex, self.channel_id.hex, str(self.sortkey_timestamp)]) self.message_id = fernet.encrypt(msg_key.encode('utf8')) self.update_id = self.message_id return self.message_id @staticmethod def parse_decrypted_message_id(decrypted_token): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, Any] """Parses a decrypted message-id into component parts""" topic = None sortkey_timestamp = None if decrypted_token.startswith("01:"): info = decrypted_token.split(":") if len(info) != 4: raise InvalidTokenException("Incorrect number of token parts.") api_ver, uaid, chid, topic = info elif decrypted_token.startswith("02:"): info = decrypted_token.split(":") if len(info) != 4: raise InvalidTokenException("Incorrect number of token parts.") api_ver, uaid, chid, raw_sortkey = info sortkey_timestamp = int(raw_sortkey) else: info = decrypted_token.split(":") if len(info) != 3: raise InvalidTokenException("Incorrect number of token parts.") kind, uaid, chid = decrypted_token.split(":") if kind != "m": raise InvalidTokenException("Incorrect token kind.") return dict( uaid=uaid, chid=chid, topic=topic, sortkey_timestamp=sortkey_timestamp, ) def cleanup_headers(self): # type: () -> None """Sanitize the headers for this notification This only needs to be run when creating a notification from passed in application server headers. """ headers = self.headers # Strip crypto/encryption headers down for hdr in ["crypto-key", "encryption"]: if hdr in headers: head = headers[hdr].replace('"', '') head = STRIP_PADDING.sub("", head) head.decode('ascii') headers[hdr] = head # content-encoding header may already be stored as "encoding", # this is a failover to ensure that the proper value is pulled in. # Webpush expects the value of "encoding". data = dict(encoding=headers.get("encoding", headers.get("content-encoding"))) # AWS cannot store empty strings, so we only add these keys if # they're present to avoid empty strings. for name in ["encryption", "encryption-key", "crypto-key"]: if name in headers: # NOTE: The client code expects all header keys to be lower # case and s/-/_/. data[name.lower().replace("-", "_")] = headers[name] self.headers = data @property def sort_key(self): # type: () -> str """Return an appropriate sort_key for this notification For new messages: 02:{sortkey_timestamp}:{chid} For topic messages: 01:{chid}:{topic} Old format for non-topic messages that is no longer returned: {chid}:{message_id} """ chid = normalize_id(self.channel_id) if self.topic: return "01:{chid}:{topic}".format(chid=chid, topic=self.topic) elif self.legacy: return "{chid}:{message_id}".format( chid=chid, message_id=self.message_id ) else: # Created as late as possible when storing a message self.sortkey_timestamp = self.sortkey_timestamp or ns_time() return "02:{sortkey_timestamp}:{chid}".format( sortkey_timestamp=self.sortkey_timestamp, chid=chid, ) @staticmethod def parse_sort_key(sort_key): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, Any] """Parse the sort key from the database""" topic = None sortkey_timestamp = None message_id = None if sort_key.startswith("01:"): api_ver, channel_id, topic = sort_key.split(":") elif sort_key.startswith("02:"): api_ver, raw_sortkey, channel_id = sort_key.split(":") sortkey_timestamp = int(raw_sortkey) else: channel_id, message_id = sort_key.split(":") api_ver = "00" return dict(api_ver=api_ver, channel_id=channel_id, topic=topic, message_id=message_id, sortkey_timestamp=sortkey_timestamp) @property def location(self): # type: () -> str """Return an appropriate value for the Location header""" return self.message_id @property def data_length(self): """Return the length of the data""" return len( or "") def expired(self, at_time=None): # type: (Optional[int]) -> bool """Indicates whether the message has expired or not :param at_time: Optional time to compare for expiration """ now = at_time or int(time.time()) return now >= ((self.ttl or 0) + self.timestamp) @classmethod def from_message_table(cls, uaid, item): # type: (uuid.UUID, Dict[str, Any]) -> WebPushNotification """Create a WebPushNotification from a message table item""" key_info = cls.parse_sort_key(item["chidmessageid"]) if key_info["api_ver"] in ["01", "02"]: key_info["message_id"] = item["updateid"] notif = cls( uaid=uaid, channel_id=uuid.UUID(key_info["channel_id"]), data=item.get("data"), headers=item.get("headers"), ttl=item.get("ttl", 0), topic=key_info.get("topic"), message_id=key_info["message_id"], update_id=item.get("updateid"), timestamp=item.get("timestamp"), sortkey_timestamp=key_info.get("sortkey_timestamp"), source="Stored" ) # Ensure we generate the sort-key properly for legacy messges if key_info["api_ver"] == "00": notif.legacy = True return notif @classmethod def from_webpush_request_schema(cls, data, fernet, legacy=False): # type: (Dict[str, Any], Fernet, bool) -> WebPushNotification """Create a WebPushNotification from a validated WebPushRequestSchema This is a blocking call. """ sub = data["subscription"] notif = cls( uaid=sub["uaid"], channel_id=sub["chid"], data=data["body"], headers=data["headers"], ttl=data["headers"]["ttl"], topic=data["headers"]["topic"], legacy=legacy, ) if notif.cleanup_headers() else: notif.headers = None notif.generate_message_id(fernet) return notif @classmethod def from_message_id(cls, message_id, fernet): # type: (str, Fernet) -> WebPushNotification """Create a WebPushNotification from a message_id This is a blocking call. The resulting WebPushNotification is not a complete one from the database, but has all the parsed attributes available that can be derived from the message_id. This is suitable for passing to delete calls. """ decrypted_message_id = fernet.decrypt(message_id) key_info = cls.parse_decrypted_message_id(decrypted_message_id) notif = cls(uaid=uuid.UUID(key_info["uaid"]), channel_id=uuid.UUID(key_info["chid"]), data=None, ttl=None, topic=key_info["topic"], message_id=message_id, sortkey_timestamp=key_info.get("sortkey_timestamp"), ) if key_info["topic"]: notif.update_id = message_id return notif @classmethod def from_serialized(cls, uaid, data): # type: (uuid.UUID, Dict[str, str]) -> WebPushNotification """Create a WebPushNotification from a deserialized JSON dict""" notif = cls(uaid=uaid, channel_id=uuid.UUID(data["channelID"]), data=data.get("data"), headers=data.get("headers"), ttl=data.get("ttl"), topic=data.get("topic"), message_id=str(data["version"]), update_id=str(data["version"]), timestamp=data.get("timestamp"), ) return notif @property def version(self): # type: () -> str """Return a 'version' for use with a websocket client In our case we use the message-id as its a unique value for every message. """ return self.message_id def serialize(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """Serialize to a dict for delivery to a connection node""" payload = dict( channelID=normalize_id(self.channel_id), version=self.version, ttl=self.ttl, topic=self.topic, timestamp=self.timestamp, ) if payload["data"] = payload["headers"] = self.headers return payload def websocket_format(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """Format a notification for a websocket client""" # Firefox currently requires channelIDs to be '-' formatted. payload = dict( messageType="notification", channelID=normalize_id(self.channel_id), version=self.version, ) # type: Dict[str, Any] if payload["data"] = payload["headers"] = { k.replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in self.headers.items() } return payload def parse_auth_header(header): vapid_auth = {} scheme_bits = header.split(' ', 1) if len(scheme_bits) < 2: raise VapidAuthException("Missing Auth Token") scheme = scheme_bits[0].lower() if scheme not in AUTH_SCHEMES: return vapid_auth vapid_auth['scheme'] = scheme if scheme == 'vapid': # VAPID Draft 02 vapid_auth['version'] = 2 try: bits = scheme_bits[1].replace(' ', '').split(',') for bit in bits: k, v = bit.split('=', 1) vapid_auth[k] = v except (KeyError, ValueError): raise VapidAuthException("Invalid Auth Token") else: # VAPID Draft 01 vapid_auth.update({'version': 1, 't': scheme_bits[1]}) return vapid_auth
[docs]def ms_time(): # type: () -> int """Return current time.time call as ms and a Python int""" return int(time.time() * MS_MULT)
def ns_time(): # type: () -> int """Return current time.time call as a ns int""" return int(time.time() * NS_MULT)